Achieve Their Highest Potential
We simplify the complexities of your business and get your team stepping forward together through the toughest business challenges.
Achieve Their Highest Potential
We simplify the complexities of your business and get your team stepping forward together through the toughest business challenges.
Explore Below What We Do
Creating a focused organization starts with ensuring everything within your company is driven by your strategic intentions. Everything you do either moves you closer to achieving your business objectives or pulls you away from them.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP facilitates strategic planning meetings using our patented Strategic Logics® process to help you identify your strategic intentions for each of the nine strategic elements of your business. We then help you develop operational plans to ensure the tactics implemented by the employees on the front-line are aligned with your strategic objectives. If needed, we'll even manage those plans for you so you can stay focused on things that matter most in your business.
We help you:
Ensuring individual responsibility and operational accountability is essential to the financial viability of your organization. Every manager and employee in your company must be committed to doing the right things right each and every time.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP focuses everyone in your enterprise on the things that matter most. Through our highly-effective, results-oriented Accountability Management Workshop™ we teach executives, managers and supervisors how to create a culture of accountability at every level of your organization.
We help you:
Operational effectiveness is critical to your company's profitability. Everything within your company should be optimized to effectively accomplish your strategic and operational goals in the most efficient way possible. Your employees need to be focused on doing the right things right for the right reasons at the right time.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP helps you assess and modify your organization's systems, structure, processes and people to ensure alignment with your vision, mission, philosophy and values. We help you link the attitudes and performance of your employees with the customer-driven goals and objectives of your organizations. IMG is highly adept at improving manufacturing, distribution and workflow processes. We help you alter your processes to better produce and deliver your products and services to your customers.
We help you:
Businesses that cannot or do not adapt to the dramatic changes in today's competitive world are doomed to fail. Success today requires doing away with outdated products and processes that don't add value. Everything within your company must be honed to achieve the greatest results.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP offers a structured approach that transitions individuals, teams and organizations from their current state to where they need to succeed. We provide systematic assessments of the current situation to determine both the need for change and the capability to change. We use engagement techniques to accelerate the change process and bring about necessary changes better, cheaper and faster.
We help you:
Businesses today are more complex and competitive than ever. No longer can your organization afford to rely on the individual contributions or independent decisions of your employees. Success demands coordination and collaboration among cross-functional groups. It requires the sharing of limited resources, a unified effort, and the maximizing of human talent.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP offers a variety of effective workshops, seminars and facilitated meetings that accelerate the team-building process. Our patented Ladder of Commitment® model creates deep-seeded relationships of mutual trust, respect, confidence and support throughout your organization. Our various Team Workshops train leaders and members of cross-functional problem-solving teams on how to work effectively to accomplish their team's assigned tasks.
We help you:
One of the great challenges in many companies is the ability to draw out the full potential and capabilities of each and every employee. Most employees do not operate at their peak potential. Many workers have much more to offer, but they wait for management to draw out their full commitment.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP knows how to actively engage every employee at every level of your organization. Our patented Ladder of Commitment® model shows how to build high levels of trust and commitment in your organization. We help you utilize the diverse talents, skills, abilities and insights of your people, resulting in enhanced organizational performance, increased productivity, greater financial success, retention of valued employees and better utilization of your human assets.
We help you:
Exceptional customer service is a powerful competitive advantage in every business. Today's customers are more sophisticated, demand better service, are more critical of the service they receive, and know they have competitive options available to them. Superior customer service is no longer a goal — it's a necessity.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP helps you define your service strategies and integrate your service values at every level of your day-to-day operations. Our patented Consistent Service Model® model ensures every employee is committed to delivering on your product and service promises each and every day.
We help you:
Customer demand for better quality products is higher today than ever before. Sophisticated consumers seek greater assurance that what they are buying is a quality investment.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP is highly adept at finding problems and seeing flaws in your operating systems, processes, structure or people. We quickly identify where improvement is necessary and identify interventions to fix the problems. Our quality improvement workshops teach work groups how to solve complex problems, make collective decisions, release greater creativity, and increase ownership and commitment to your company's quality and service delivery goals.
We help you:
Group productivity is often more important than individual task accomplishment. Consequently, your leaders must be enablers of people and facilitators of groups. Managers must have the skills to foster teamwork, facilitate group problem-solving, and focus the team's commitment on continuous improvement.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP has a recognized successful track record of providing training programs that dramatically improve the leadership skills of your executives and managers. Our custom-designed workshops take the "real-work" issues of your company and weave them into the skill development materials presented in the training. We provide your managers with tools and techniques specifically designed to address the problems and issues that limit the performance of your employees.
INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP offers off-the-shelf and custom-designed training for executives, managers, supervisors and employees on a variety of pertinent topics. We have a unique process that allows us to design and develop course content and materials quicker than most in-house developers, thus saving your company countless man-hours and dollars on course development.
Every training program, course, seminar or workshop developed by INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP is designed around the Four Phases of Personal Development™. This process of awareness, analysis, action and actualization ensures course participants make the changes necessary to improve their individual performance. During each session we provide hard-hitting, soul-searching, introspective materials that cause people to earnestly assess their strengths and weaknesses. We give very specific, very direct feedback to attendees and provide them with numerous tools, techniques and methods to improve their performance.
Evanston, WY, United States
(307) 679-5080
Innovative Management Group helps companies create a sustainable competitive advantage that maximizes productivity and profitability through focused strategic alignment, operational effectiveness, accountable leadership and committed employees. We simplify the complexities of business and offer comprehensive solutions to our clients’ toughest business challenges.
©2025 INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP a division of Welling ULU LLC. All Rights Reserved.